Tuesday, 20 March 2012

'Near Death' Experiences
Science cannot prove faith but only to acknowledge what it has denied. Before his death, Jesus clearly told his disciples and all those who will come to believe in him that: " Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me.... I am going now to prepare a place for you... and I shall return to take you with me so that where I am you may be too. You know the way to the place where I am going...... I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...." (John 14: 1-6 ff) Those who experienced 'Near Death' experiences are blessed to come back to witness/remind us of God's love and reality of  heaven  and hell. Out of love, Jesus came to reveal and reconcile fallen humanity back to God. It was God who took the initiative; the death of the sinner is of no benefit to Him therefore His patience and compasion should not be taken for granted. Each new day is an opportunity to respond to God's compassionate love. What shall we do about it before it's too late? 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Dilemma of being loved Unconditionally

"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life" (Jn. 3:16)

God loves us with so great a love, while we were dead in our sins, he brought us to life with Christ that we are placed in a position where we are obliged to respond. It was God who took the initiative in our salvation history when he decided to empty himself and become a human being. Then he decided to die on the cross for love of us. Then he knocks on the door of our hearts so he can come in and permanently live inside us. Then he decided to give us his body and blood as food for our souls.

Of course we are free to ignore or accept Jesus' incarnation, crucifixion and repeated knocks on our doors, but if the Lord hadn't loved us so much and so faithfully, we wouldn't be in this constant dilemma of what to do about his amazing love. On the otherhand, if the Lord hadn't loved us so much, we wouldn't even have the opportunity to be free, saved, pure and holy.

Because God is love, he gave us freedom, he will not force a person to love Him; and because we are free, we can decide to accept or reject God, to be with him forever in heaven or without him forever in hell. He patiently awaits our coming back home as the death of the sinner is of no benefit to him. The greatness of God's love implies the existence of heaven and hell.

God has loved us with a perfect, infinite, crucified love. This is unchangeable fact. What are you going to do about it? Will you love him in return? Today is all we have as tomorrow is uncertain. Act now!

“The Dilemma of Being Loved Unconditionally”

God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him may not die but
may have eternal life." -John 3:16

God loves us with so great a love, while we were dead in our sins, he brought us to  life with Christ  that we are put in a position where we are obliged to respond. God took the initiative when he decided to empty Himself and become a human being. Then He decided to die on the cross for love of us. Next, He knocks on the door of our lives so He can come in and permanently live inside us. Then He decides to give us His body and blood as food to feed our souls under the appearance of bread and wine.  

Of course, we are free to ignore Jesus' Incarnation, crucifixion, and repeated knocks on our doors; but if the Lord hadn't loved us so much and so faithfully, we wouldn't be in this constant dilemma of what to do about His amazing love. On the other hand, if the Lord hadn't loved us so much, we wouldn't even have the opportunity to be free, saved, pure, and holy.
Because God is love, He gave us freedom. He will not force a person to love Him. Because we are free, we can decide to accept or reject God, to be with Him forever in heaven or without Him forever in hell. He patiently awaits our coming back home as the death of the sinner is of no benefit to Him. The greatness of God's love implies the magnitude of our freedom. God's love implies the existence of heaven and hell.
God has loved you with a perfect, infinite, crucified love. This is an unchangeable fact. What
are you going to do about it? Will you love Him in return? Time is running out as toomorrow is uncertain so do what can be done today, now.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Where can we find rest?
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.." (Mat,11:28-30) This is a clear invitation to each one of us. Listen to how Jesus invites, come to me, come with your burdens, come to me with your anxieties... and where can we find Jesus as if  He's waiting for us?  in the park? in the forests? on the beaches? on the mountains? in the rain, wind, and snow?  all these of course are the work of His hands; therefore He is present in His creation. However  where can we find Him really present waiting in expection to see us come and sit at His feet. In the Tabernable in every Catholic Church, He is truly present and as the Divine prisoner of love waiting for you. Out of love He has hidden his awesome majesty so that he can be approached. He is present in his entirety, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Consecrated Host, yet in faith the eye of the soul can rent the veil to see the Angelic choirs and all heavenly Powers adoring Him without cease and without cease they are saying Holy, Holy, Holy...Here you can allow yourself to be caught up in this unending praise and worhip with this unseen/unheard Choir. This is a great gift and testament of God's mercy, for without seeing, yet we believe in his Real Presence.
Here you don't only unload your burdens to the best of friends but you also learn to listen to what He has to say to you. Here, you learn humility from Him who is God yet humble himself by emptying himself of all his glory. Here, you learn acceptance from Him who submitted to the will of his Father. You learn to grow or begin to love Him, who out of love instituted the Holy Eucharist so as to remain always with us, to be our food and strength during this life pilgrimage. The discipline of frequent visits and spending time in Eucharistic Adoration will make you a faithful disciple ever ready to meet Him in trust and love without fear.
"It is love for souls that keeps Me a Prisoner in the Blessed Sacrament. I stay there that all may come and find the comfort they need in the tenderest of Hearts, the best of Fathers, the most faithful of Friends, who will never abandon them.Were you weak or ill in body surely you would find time to see a doctor who could cure you?... Come, then, to One who is able to give you both strength and health to your soul, and bestow the alms of love on this Divine Prisoner who watches for you, calls for you and longs to see you at His side. "  (Excerpt from The Way of Divine Love of Sister Josefa Menendez)