The things we fear!
It's temptation that worries you and vague dread of the future that makes you afraid.
But to what avail is this fear and dread about things that may never happen? Your spiritual enemies desire that you should pile fear upon sorrow. Be patient therefore with your present troubles, and do not overly fear those that might come, for the evil of today is enough. It is a vain thing and spiritually unprofitable to be either sad or glad about things that may never happen. For it is human instability that leaves you open to the suggestions of the evil one who doesn't care whether he deceives you with truth or falsity, by love of things present or fear of things to come.
..."Therefore be not troubled and fear not. Trust firmly in me and in my mercy have perfect hope.
For when you think that you are far from me, often I am closest to you and when you think all is lost, often times your greatest rewards are closest at hand. You are not lost when things go wrong.
Do not take any sorrows so seriously that you lose your confidence in me. I said to my disciples and saying to each one of you: As my Father loves me, I love you. And yet I sent them forth into the world not to have passing joys but to wage great battles; not to be honoured, but to be looked down upon; not to idle, but to labour; not to rest, but to bring forth much good fruit in patience and in good works" (Excerpt from True Serenity Based on Thomas a Kempis' Imitation of Christ).