Friday, 12 December 2014
If life was a race, how many will be winners? ......if it were a race, majority of us will not have any chance of winning. But if life, on the other hand, is a journey... then it should be lived and experienced. On this journey there needs be no losers since we are all on this purposeful journey towards the same destination. To enjoy this journey fully its good, often, to take time to reflect, ponder or meditate on the purpose of this journey; why are we here for.... what is the purpose of this journey and what are some of the the lessons of this journey........?
It will be good to take time and pause and learn from others and nature is a good help........... look at the birds........look at the flowers....... and look at the the sunrise and the sunsets.........listen to the sound of the wind and feel the wind on your face........These are some of the very simple things we encounter every day that we take for granted
When we begin to live life as a journey, then the goal becomes more important than the means.......concern for the other breaks down barriers........ taking time to appreciate what you have brings gratefulness, contentment, and shairing with those in need .........value of people above value of things..........Discovering the purpose of life, brings one in touch with the source of life.......the Creator of all things and who holds all things in His hands.......
If your life is a race then you are probably running too fast to achieve./ acquire whatever .... but at whose expense? ......Remember, what does it matter to gain the whole world and loose your soul?........all the running for this outer shell only?........The body provides shelter for the soul during this life but at the end of this short life, (even if it reaches 100) the soul is released to its Maker and Lord...........for judgement......... and then what?.... The soul is the treasure we hold in this earthen vessel..... and we have only one soul to nurture first and then others along the way. .......Therefore let your soul yearns for it's Maker ......the soul that is made in the image and likeness of God thirsts for its Maker.... "As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.
My being thirsts for God, the living God" .......It's only God that can satisfy the yearnings and quench the thirst of the soul; and fills the heart with praise to be able to join the Psalmist, to sing always:
Bless the Lord, my soul; all my being, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul; do not forget all the gifts of God,..(Psalm 103)
Bless the Lord O my Soul....... my soul Bless the Lord indeed, ..for merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding in kindness....Let's remember the higher purpose of this journey. by taking care of our fellow travellers along the safely reach our Father's House......... where there are many rooms
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Daddy where are you?.... why has your little girl become suddenly anxious ?...... why has she become afraid? .......afraid of the future uncertain of her left from her right? ........where are you daddy?............ why does she doubt your faithfulness? why does she feel alone and abandoned,.... unsure of your ever presence,..... even to the end of time?........... Daddy where are you?. Why has the darkness become so dark enveloping her? ..........Oh, there you are, ....
Yes my child, why have you become anxious? .... why do you doubt....... why have you taken your eyes off me? ......I have never left your side.....with outstretched hands I take hold of your feeble hands......... together we will walk side by side........
Oh Daddy calm her fears, ....... deliver her from unnecessary anxieties........renew her confidence in you that she may trust you more than her refuge and let her hide under your wings during the storms of life........deliver her from her fears........ Daddy do not hide your face from her.............. you alone be her provider.......lead her through the various cycles of life.........for you are the Lord of the seasons............the Alpha and Omega.......the beginning and the end and everything in day at a time.......lead her steadily along the path home
Abba Father, thank you for bringing her thus far, let her dwell in your light........ in your light may she see light, ......for those who walk in light do not stumble........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
Friday, 26 September 2014
Peace, peace, peace...... where can we find true peace? ... Why has so many 'Peace Attempts' failed in resolving issues between warring factions?...... Is world peace an illusion? ..The key to true peace begins with self...... attaining true peace should begin with me........ Living in peace with self and each other is an echo of the famous Prayer of St Francis of Assisi who was one of the many great imitators of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was Jesus who taught us how to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.....who though he was God did not cling to his Divinity but emptied himself and took on the nature of slave even unto death, death on a cross though sinless. He demonstrated forgiveness on his deathbed - the cross, as he prayed for those who crucified him .... Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing........He came and gave his life as a ransom for many....... by His death we have all been saved .......whether we accept or believe that Jesus is our Saviour....You and I have been bought at a Price !.
Subsequently, we can dare to pray as Jesus taught us through His life and death.............
Lord make us an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow your love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
Oh Divine Master, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;/
To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying tat we are born to eternal life.
If these become rooted in our lives then we can each become an agent of Peace, ...starting with the self. Each day ask yourself how can I be an agent of peace today in my home, at work, in my Church community, in my neighbourhood?, and look for opportunities to be such an agent. .
We cannot talk about peace in a vacuum and no gun can bring a lasting peace. Peace needs to begin in the heart of each individual, then there will be no strangers but friends not yet enemies but brothers and sisters because Jesus our big Brother, through His death and resurrection has reconciled us with God our Father. In his farewell Discourses, He gave us a.o.: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your let your hearts be troubled or afraid........... (Jh 14: 37)
True peace is not the absence of war but the ability to sleep through the storm.... the ability to remain focused in the midst of chaos......... the ability to hope and trust in the face of despair........ the ability to love the enemy who hates you........Since the Peace of God surpasses every understanding that is why Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is the key to True lasting Peace through each person starting with self, to the world. ....the world in which you and I live. .... Each person therefore, is a gateway to peace........ and since peace is a gift from God, each one of us has the seed of peace ingrained in our hearts,... germinating/growing slowly.... depending on how it is nourished.......... Hate, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness........ can choke it's growth... while love, joy, patience, kindness, ...... can enhance its growth.
Therefore let us allow the True Peace of Christ to flourish ,,,,,, in our hearts....... flowing like a river.... flowing out of you and me..... flowing out into the desert, setting the captives free...... Let it flow through me.... let it flow through you ..... let the peace of God flow out through us.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Seventy years may seem a long way, but compared to eternity it's only a flash in the pan. Ps. 90: 4 "a thousand years in your eyes are merely yesterday"..... so what is 70 or 80 for the strong ones? Yet, it's good to take a peep at how the years have quickly passed and and the 70 milestone is a good occasion. So what do you look back to see?..... Not to the regrets or the disappointments...... for thee mistakes only remain as such, if the inherit lesson(s) is never learned. So I look back to the wonderful things that God by His grace has done ....for His goodness and mercies have no end.....His amazing love is incomprehensible.....God's grace leading me into ministry........ the last decade has been the most fruitful of my spiritual journey...... With gratefulness, I acknowledge the many beautiful God children I have come to mother....... pastoral school formations..........uncountable hours preparing and celebrating liturgies.......and an amazing new faith family that has come my way. These are memories that have enriched not only my life but the life of the community in which I serve. I'm grateful for His abundant love that has brought me so far and will continue to lead me...... for what do I have that I have not received on loan? ... what do I know that I have not been taught and what can I do on my own if not by His grace.....?
I believe the best is yet to come so I will not dwell long in the past. Even though I can't look into the future, I know that His love and mercy towards each one of us, is unchanging so I will continue to trust him in whatever new plans he has, for I know that his plans for me are good. He will not deny me for his own sake. If He has led me so far, will he now abandon me? He has prepared a table for me............... my cup is running over......... and his goodness and mercy shall continue to follow me all the days of my life...
Any word of caution? speaking out loud; I'm learning to live one day at a time..... allowing the Lord to take the lead, for by total surrender he leads in ways never and live the Word..... let the Word of God find room in your heart ...... spend time at his feet........ and discover who you are ... a child of God and He the creator of heaven and earth is your can he give stone when we ask for bread?....No, He will give the necessary grace to lead us into knowing and loving Him and the Lord Jesus whom He sent to save us..... Appreciate and acknowledge His goodness and never cease to count the many blessings poured into your lap......Let the world know of His unconditional love towards the sinner.......for He is nature is love.........
We are all on this journey.. .. pilgrims travelling together,.... needing each other on the way. ... falling and getting up till we reach the final destination. We are all fighting the good fight ..... but remember only those who persevere till the end will receive the crown. Therefore let's not rest on our oars because we don't know the hour or the time....The day may be far spent but there is still work to be done.....continuing to bear fruit even in old age so let's use our God-given talents wisely for His glory.......staying awake in prayer.....In the 'Banana Republic' the old usually go first but in real life..... each one of us is on a countdown. ...
God himself is the Lord of life... the Alpha and the Omega .... and everything in between. Celebrating life is recognizing and appreciating the gift, given on loan......It is sacred and therefore need to be used wisely for we have to give an account very soon ........ even 100 years passes quickly away
Thursday, 1 May 2014
A lot has happened these last days as the Christian world celebrated Easter and Scripture Readings during these days focus on witnessing to what have been seen and heard. On the first day of Easter morning, Mary Magdalene and the women who went to the tomb were sent to the Apostles to report to them what they has seen and heard from the risen Lord.(Mt. 28: 1-10). The same evening 2 of the disciples, disappointed with the events of the Crucifixion. death and burial of Jesus (left Jerusalem on their way to Emmaus,....when Jesus caught up with them they could not recognize him because of their great sorrow. On reaching their destination they invited this stranger who explained the Scriptures to them on the way to stay with them for the night..... and then their eyes were opened as they recognized Jesus at table when He prayed and broke bread with them. Immediately they got up to return to Jerusalem the same night, to tell the others what they have seen and heard from the Risen Lord.( Lk. 24: 12-35)
Witnessing to Christ is giving testimony to what have been seen and heard from the Lord. 2000 years later we today, through the power of the Holy Spirit continue and or called to give testimony of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Like Peter and others we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. For we are witnesses of the Holy Spirit burning in our hearts. Blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.......many prophets longed to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it.... (Mt. 13: 16-17)
How then do we see.....and how do we listen? are we seeing though do not see, hearing yet do not hear or understand? This is possible today just like Issaiah prophesied long ago: these people hear but never understand, ever seeing but never perceiving for their heart has become calloused. They hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes... otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn to the Lord to be healed....What we see and hear from the Lord need to be told to others....... Our hearts need to be filled with a burning passion to share with others what we have seen and heard from the Risen Lord. It cannot be contained, cannot remain a secret for a privileged few.... it is the Good News!......Jesus the Christ is Risen!....He is alive!.... He goes before us and .we see and touch Him at every Eucharistic celebration, there we hear his Words..... He stands at the door and knocks...... He desires to come into each heart and make your life a celebration if only you will open your heart for him to enter.......
Sunday, 6 April 2014
What can be so worst than a terrible disease that is slowly zapping life out of you.... a disease with no visible cure for an innocent child..........the untimely devastating death of a loved one that you wished was only a nightmare, the fear of an illness lurking in your heart that keeps you awake most nights......... the bleak future staring at you in the face.......... the homeless that has lost every dignity of living.........the poor caught up in an unjust greedy or 'religious/political' wars? ......Yes, cruel things do happening to good people......but what can be so worst than what you are battling with right now? Doubtlessly, even all these are horrible things to happen to anyone, I can't imagine that there could be something more worst than any or all of these put together on a plate for any one.person or groups of people to endure.
All of the above are all related to things perishable, transient or temporal. .... Life is only for a while... we are only here for a while may be 100 + yet that is still very short in comparison to what is next after this transitional period. If eyes have not seen or ears have not heard what God has in store for those who believe in Him, then the other side of the coin: what can be so worst is: There is more beyond, the best is yet to come.
Life is beyond our control as no one can ever have all the answers at any given time..... you have not got it all together even though you may have the dream house,..... winter lodges, summer huts scattered across continents ..... fleet of cars, a fantastic fulfilling job.....the money keeps doubling even when asleep, etc. Though these can be good depending on how they are obtained and used, they are also transient in nature as they can quickly vanish.
So what can be worst than what you face now .... or best than what have now? We are told not to be afraid of those that will kill the body and after that can do no more. But to fear him who after killing the body, has the power to throw you into hell (Lk. 12:4-5).
Living a life separated from God and willingly refusing to be reconciled before any tragic death will lead to separation of the soul from God for all eternity and that is the most worst thing that can happen to any human being. The terrible things can destroy or devastate life but cannot separate one from the love of God poured into our hearts through Jesus. Who or what can separate us from the love of God? .....shall trouble or hardship, or persecution or famine or nakedness.......I am convinced that neither death, nor life,..... anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom. 8: 28 - 39)
Just as it's true that no suffering here on earth can separate us from the love of God, it is equally true that what does it profit a man for gaining the whole world at the expense of his soul....The salvation of our soul is our only important pursuit because when our soul is lost, all is lost. The only thing that can separate us from God is sin, and dying unrepentant, rejecting God.. Each day offers us an opportunity to accept God's love through Jesus as the death of an unrepentant sinner does not benefit God in anyway...... he wishes that all will come to repentance and accept his forgiveness. The Precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross was for our salvation so that at the end of this brief life we may spend eternity with Him ....where do you want to spend eternity? ... .... Nothing can be more worst, whatever your situation in this short life span than to spend eternity without God. .... ....The season of Lent reminds us of the love of God made manifest through the cruel death of Jesus on the Cross....... It's an opportunity to meditate on the great ocean of God's love and mercy made possible to all ....... we still have two weeks of Lent, it will be enriching to meditate on one Station of the Cross each day, .....enter into the scenes and see how much God has to stoop low to reach out to you.... Allow the Station(s) to speak to your heart and spend more time/days on a particular Station that touches you most,........ enter into the mystery of Christ's redeeming suffering uniting yours and others to that of find some meaning to suffering in that of Christ...........The best is to live a life in union with Christ now already, under whatever situation, leading into eternity and that is what Jesus came to give us,....... life, abundant life with Him, in Him and through Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Do you ever wonder why you did not say 'No' to a decision you made that has led you to the situation you are in right now? May be if you had said no, your life would have turned out differently but whether it would have been better or worse off that you will never know. Accepting the things that happened through you is growing up as things don't happen to us for us to become victims but things happen through us so that we could learn a lesson to achieve our purpose in life. So look back with hindsight to see what lessons you have learned to share with others.
Today, Christians celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation..... when the Angel Gabriel was sent to a young virgin , called Mary, in Nazareth, to request her to become the mother of Jesus (Lk. 1: 26 - 38) It's a very important feast on the Christian Calender. Without the 'Yes' of Mary to God's request to become flesh in her womb, the promise of Salvation would have turned out differently. Mary had a freewill and therefore was free to say 'No or Yes'. She was full of grace so by that grace she fully understood the implications of saying 'yes' to God. We see the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy and the unfolding of God's plan of redemption in the event leading to the Incarnation, the birth of the Messiah King. The new era of salvation begins with the miraculous conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary. ..Life, therefore, begins with conception and not at birth ... This child to be conceived in the womb of Mary is the fulfillment of God's promises. He will be "Great, Son of the Most High God"...... and his name shall be called "Jesus", which means "the Lord saves"....... Without her 'yes' Jesus would not have been conceived to be born at Christmas..... And how will Jesus save? ..... death on a cross and so there would have been no Easter.....Can you imagine a life without Christ? .....It is remarkable to note how Mary responded to the word of God delivered by the angel Gabriel. Her question, "how shall this be, since I have no husband" is not prompted by doubt or skepticism, but rather by wonderment! For the Annunciation is a Mystery of Grace, it's an exclusive work of God, a pure act of Grace on God's part. ..... Mary's prompt response of 'yes' to the divine message is a model of faith for all believers.
On this feast day commemorating the Archangel Gabriel's announcement of the Incarnation, may we realize and be amazed with the fact that God became a human being like us in all things except sin. ... Imagine the Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth and all that it holds.... but when he really wants something to be done, he does not force his way.... he comes the Mighty, Omniscient one comes, .... to one of his poor, weak creature and asks...... Just as Mary was not under any compulsion to say "yes", God does not force his will upon any of us either .....
May our praying the "Hail Marys" in the Rosary, from this day forth, take on a new meaning in our prayer life. . May we renew our own commitments to the 'yeses' we have said to God and may His will be done in our lives
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Hearing and seeing
Have you heard...................?
We are very eager to hear the latest news... .... what's up?.............. what's going on? Even though we have 24 hours Newsreel yet the ear is not tired of hearing. But what do we do with all that we hear? do we actually remember all that we hear or do we fully understand all that we hear? and do we hear all that we listen to?..........
God has spoken and continues to speak to his children but do we hear Him? The Scriptures, continue to speak to us today even though they have been written thousands of years ago; they are alive. The circumstances for which they were given have not changed, as God continues to call us back to come to him. Jesus came to fulfill the Scriptures to show that they were written about Him but had his death on the Cross made it easier for us to turn to God?
Hear Oh......... the Lord your God is One, you shall love Him with all your might, your heart and your strength.......... You have heard how it is said..... love your neighbour........tooth for a eye for an eye..... but I tell you love your enemies........ pray for those who persecute one another as I have loved you then the world will know that you are my disciples........listen all you have ears...........Be holy for I your God I'm Holy....... be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.......come to me all who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest......come back to me with all your heart, long have I waited for your coming home to me........
We have ears but do we hear and understand all these love appeals of the Lord? How true is the prophecy of Isaiah in our generation today? Having eyes but not seeing, ears but not hearing,....for have we also not closed our eyes, stuffed our ears unless we see and hear and repent? really seeing and hearing should lead to change...... to repentance, a broken spirit........
The Holy Spirit as a helper will lead us to the truth, convict us of wrong doings and give us a true spirit of repentance which brings us to the fountain of forgiveness and reconciliation. with the Father through the saving grace of Jesus on the Cross.
The choice is ours, and today is all that we have as we are not sure of tomorrow.
Friday, 14 February 2014
What about keeping a 'Love' journal. to record how much God loves you, to begin or deepen your love relationship with God?......This thought came to me today as I began thinking of God's unfailing love. We usually ache and yearn for human love, which many times leaves us broken, empty and or disappointed; while neglecting the unfailing love of the One who loves us just as we are. For even though God is sinless, he loves the sinner but hates the sin. He does not wait for me to change first but he loves me first and freely gives me the chance to enter this love relationship.
Can I honestly answer the question which God continues to pose to each person: ? ....Aku, do you love me? ... do you love me as I have love you? you love me more than these others? depending on how much you have been forgiven......... We cannot love what we don't know, and God has revealed his unconditional love to us through Our Lord Jesus Christ who came to show us how much God loves us. The Holy Bible contains all the love stories of God through which we can discover this love of God., we have also the writings of the Saints and especially the Love letters in the Messages of True Life in God ( given to Vassula Ryden is worth reading for God has not ceased speaking to us. We can come to know and love Him as He loves us through His many graces He continues to lavish on us. ... He is both the Lover and the Beloved and we have all become His beloved sons and daughters through the Precious Blood of Jesus shed for humanity on the Cross. See how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!... ( 1Jn 3: 1-2)....Waao!....... I'm a child of God......and loved by God.......not that I have done anything to earn it........ but He just loves me....... even me!........people may not love me for whatever reasons ...... but God loves me.........Discovering the unfailing love of God will help us love Him, more and more. So my answer to the question now is: Yes Lord I love you, but my love is weak, come to my aid and strengthen me that I may love you more and more.......What will be your response?
Thursday, 13 February 2014
How many seeds have the Lord scattered and or continue generously to scatter in your life? and do you also scatter seeds in the lives of others? The Lord Jesus continue to pour graces/seeds in my life and many of these are growing without my knowledge as it is the good Lord that nourishes and nurtures them.
God adds years to our life that we many learn wisdom to bear fruits, ...fruits.that will last,... fruits for His Kingdom. The Grace of Jesus is working in the world in various ways but most of the time silently. We need to continue to scatter seeds in the lives of others trusting that some of these seeds will reach harvest time.
The Church community should be a home where seeds of love, healing and forgiveness are sown. Just as a seed has no power to change itself until it is planted in the ground, so we cannot change our lives to be like God unless by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we yield to Jesus Christ, our lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We hold this treasure in earthen vessels to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us (2 Cor. 4:7). The mystery of God's Kingdom has been granted to the innocent, mere babes....The Holy Spirit is able to transform us into Christ-like holiness,.... increase our zeal for His kingdom....and instill in us a holy desire to live for His greater glory. We are where we are right now on our spiritual journey because of the numerous unknown people, who have and continue to scatter seeds in our lives. We likewise must continue the trend so that in the end most of the seeds scattered will reach the harvest yielding 30, 40, 60 80...... ? scatter today, a seed of hope, love, healing, forgiveness, joy and peace in the hearts all around you.... keep them in your prayers and believe that God is working in their lives just as He continues to work in yours for you have not reached the full harvest yet. Only the willingness required is to serve like the one who came to serve and not be served...... to love and not count the understand and not to be understood...... to love and not be loved.......keep scattering therefore God's seeds and don't be overcome by fear, and disappointments in your own life.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
No one lights a light and puts it under a bushell but on the lampstand..... let your light shine for others to see.....Just as we need light to see in the dark, we need spiritual light for discernment. Light is very important to life, without light there is no life both sphysically and spiritually. Jesus is the light of the world for it was through him and for him and with him everything was created, the Word that became the light (John 1: 1-5) At Baptism, the baptized is given a light to keep burning till the Lord returns........and as we go through life, this light of faith should be kept burning, enlightening our path (Ps 119:105) and drawing others also. We have been given light to be light for others.
God is light as in him there is no darkness, nothing is hidden from Him, and even the darkness is not dark for Him... Light is an expression of the inner beauty and truth of God for in His light, we see light {Ps. 36:10) .therefore when we remain in Him, we remain in light. God's grace not only illumines the darkness in our lives but it also fills us with spiritual light, joy, and peace. Just as natural light illumines the darkness and enables us to see, so the light of Christ shines in the hearts of believers and enables us to see the heavenly beauty of God's love. In fact our mission in life is to be the light of the world in word and deed so that others may see the truth of the Gospel and be freed from the blindness of sin and deception.
What has happened to the light given to each Baptized Christian? Godparents, you have been entrusted with this light for your Godchildren, what has happened since their Baptism? as a lamp needs oil to keep burning, so do we need the oil of the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Word to enlighten our path; to help us see and perceive. How do you make this little light of yours keep shining? Remain connected to Jesus - the true light. Be not overcome by the darkness but become transformed into His image......May the fire of His love consume the chaff within us as we become like twinkle twinkle little stars lightening up the which you live!.... ......
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
What is the truth and how do you live out the truth? Pilate asked Jesus: 'what is the truth?'...and in that confrontation Jesus said He came to the world to testify to the truth and 'Everyone on the side of truth listens to me'.(Jn. 18:17/18) Listening to Jesus and believing in what he teaches will lead us to discover what the truth is. Jesus is therefore the key to discovering what the truth is. He is the only person who calls himself, 'I AM'....He...... the Truth, ....the Life...... the Way ... the Light...... the Vine..... the True Bread that came from Heaven..... the Resurrection... . the Living Water...... the Door,.........the Good Shepherd'....... God was the first to call himself I AM to Moses from the 'Burning Bush'...... so Jesus by saying he is I AM, we are able to testify that He is the Truth from the things He said and taught. He came to testify to the truth that God is love but that is too wide, let's narrow it to the individual level, because unless I accept it and believe in it, this truth of God's unconditional love will not benefit me in any way. Just briefly recall few of the many facets of Jesus' revelation of himself being the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who came into the world.....
- He was annointed to proclaim the Good News
- He took your/my/our disease upon himself and by His stripes, we have been healed...
- He came to set captives free..... so you./I have been set free from captivity of ........
- He came to proclaim a year of liberation .....
- He came to restore sight to the blind ........
- He came to seek, to save, restore, heal and make whole....and many more that can be found in the Holy Scriptures.
I can continue with the Litany, but that will not make any difference without believing in the one about whom these things are attributed, ... what matters is what do these mean to me as a believer and follower of Jesus? Scripture is the store house of all that Jesus said and taught. .. if we claim we have not sinned, we made him to be a liar and his words have no place in our lives... ( 1 Jn 1: 8-10) We deceive ourselves when we claim that we are without sin.....that would mean that we did not need a Saviour........ then Jesus sacrificial death would have been meaningless......
But who then is the liar? Satan is the liar..... the father of lies..... it's satan who seeks/desires to destroy ....... kill ... and condemn. ....It's satan, like a roaring lion, who prowls through the world seeking the ruin of souls to drag them to hell which has been prepared for him and his rebellious angels.
Remember: 'For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him'......Humanity was lost and was in need of restoration. It was God's mercy and love that brought Jesus to come among us taking on human flesh.... as we just celebrated at Christmas. All the prophecies, thousands of years earlier were fulfilled in his birth, death and resurrection. The question is: How has these sayings of Jesus resonated in my life?....Do I live them out in my life?...The truth is that, I have been bought at a price, by the Precious Blood of Jesus, .....God loves me so much that Jesus was willing to come and rescue me from bondage; ......He is the Branch and I am the vine as I cannot survive outside Him;..... believing in Him leads to eternal life with Him in heaven, as He is gone to prepare a place for me so that where He is, I may also be when the time comes and that means heaven is our final home and not hell.... Find out for yourself all the promises that the Scriptures have in store for all who will believe. The burning question is after all that the Lord has done for me/you/us, If I am to be arraigned before a law court, will there be enough evidence against me for being a Christian? Can people testify in my actions and words as a Christian? 'Love one another as I have loved you... for by this others will know that you are my followers how true is this in my life?....................
Sunday, 12 January 2014
There are so many voices out there trying to get our attention but can we discern which one to listen to?....
Today on this Feast Day of the Baptism of the Lord, we hear the Father's voice...."This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased"(Mat 3: 13-17). Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father who came to reconcile us. Today, being the last day of the Christmas Season, it's good to ponder on the Father's love by sending Jesus to take on human flesh to come and live among us. Through Baptism we come to share in the Baptism of Jesus and on this day we can recall our own Baptism and come to realize that we are the beloved of God, whom Jesus came to save. This is worth noting........ take time to ponder......."I am loved by God,... I am His beloved through the sacrifice of Jesus.".....Let the thought heal and warm your heart... ...bringing a smile on your face to brighten/cheer the world around you. Listen to the Voice of the Father at the time of your own baptism...... (Name)........You are my daughter/son, my beloved........How do you hear the Father's voice?....... how does it sound in your ears?.........Do you sense God's favour or love for you? .......Listen ........Before you came to be formed in womb of your mother, I have known you and loved out the Scriptures and see the Father's unconditional love for you before you came into existence..........
This is our true identity......beloved daughter/son of God........ Can a woman forget the child of her womb? yes even if this can........ I will never forget you......... God's love for you/me/us is beyond our feeble human imagination. What prevents us from accepting it, is our unbelief...... why should God love me a sinner?...... God hates sin, because sin separates the sinner from Him and that is why Jesus came to seek and redeem sinners. ....... In moments of doubt, listen to the Father's voice...... ..'You are my beloved daughter/son.....through the sacrifice of Jesus....... You are mine, for you have been bought at a price.... you are precious to me......