Sunday, 12 January 2014

Which Voice to Listen to?
There are so many voices out there trying to get our attention but can we discern which one to listen to?....
Today on this Feast Day of the Baptism of the Lord, we hear the Father's voice...."This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased"(Mat 3: 13-17). Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father who came to reconcile us. Today, being the last day of the Christmas Season, it's good to ponder on the Father's love by sending Jesus to take on human flesh to come and live among us. Through Baptism we come to share in the Baptism of Jesus and on this day we can recall our own Baptism and come to realize that we are the beloved of God, whom Jesus came to save. This is worth noting........ take time to ponder......."I am loved by God,... I am His beloved through the sacrifice of Jesus.".....Let the thought heal and warm your heart... ...bringing a smile on your face to brighten/cheer  the world around you.  Listen to the Voice of the Father at the time of your own baptism...... (Name)........You are my daughter/son, my beloved........How do you hear the Father's voice?....... how does it sound in your ears?.........Do you sense God's favour or love for you? .......Listen ........Before you came to be formed in womb of your mother, I have known you and loved out the Scriptures and see the Father's unconditional love for you before you came into existence..........
This is our true identity......beloved daughter/son of God........ Can a woman forget the child of her womb? yes even if this can........ I will never forget you......... God's love for you/me/us is beyond our feeble human imagination. What prevents us from accepting it, is our unbelief...... why should God love me a sinner?...... God hates sin, because sin separates  the sinner from Him and that is why Jesus came to seek and redeem sinners. ....... In moments of doubt, listen to the Father's voice...... ..'You are my beloved daughter/son.....through the sacrifice of Jesus....... You are mine, for you have been bought at a price.... you are precious to me......