Thursday, 1 May 2014

What we have seen and heard
A lot has happened these last days as the Christian world celebrated Easter and Scripture Readings during these days focus on witnessing to what have been seen and heard. On the first day of Easter morning, Mary Magdalene and the women who went to the tomb were sent to the Apostles to report to them what they has seen and heard from the risen Lord.(Mt. 28: 1-10). The same evening 2 of the disciples, disappointed with the events of the Crucifixion. death and burial of Jesus (left Jerusalem on their way to Emmaus,....when Jesus caught up with them they could not recognize him because of their great sorrow. On reaching their destination they invited this stranger who explained the Scriptures to them on the way to stay with them for the night..... and then their eyes were opened as they recognized Jesus at table when He prayed and broke bread with them. Immediately they got up to return to Jerusalem the same night, to tell the others what they have seen and heard from the Risen Lord.( Lk. 24: 12-35)
Witnessing to Christ is giving testimony to what have been seen and heard from the Lord. 2000 years later we today, through the power of the Holy Spirit continue and or called to give testimony of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Like Peter and others we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. For we are witnesses of the Holy Spirit burning in our hearts.   Blessed  are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.......many prophets longed to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it.... (Mt. 13: 16-17)
How then do we see.....and how do we listen? are we seeing though do not see, hearing yet do not hear or understand? This is possible today just like Issaiah prophesied long ago: these people hear but never understand, ever seeing but never perceiving for their  heart has become calloused. They hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes... otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn to the Lord to be healed....What we see and hear from the Lord need to be told to others....... Our hearts need to be filled with a burning passion to share with others what we have seen and heard from the Risen Lord. It cannot be contained, cannot remain a secret for a privileged few.... it is the Good News!......Jesus the Christ is Risen!....He is alive!.... He goes before us and .we see and touch Him at every Eucharistic celebration, there we hear his Words..... He stands at the door and knocks...... He desires to come into each heart and make your life a celebration if only you will open your heart for him to  enter.......