True Peace
Peace, peace, peace...... where can we find true peace? ... Why has so many 'Peace Attempts' failed in resolving issues between warring factions?...... Is world peace an illusion? ..The key to true peace begins with self...... attaining true peace should begin with me........ Living in peace with self and each other is an echo of the famous Prayer of St Francis of Assisi who was one of the many great imitators of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was Jesus who taught us how to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.....who though he was God did not cling to his Divinity but emptied himself and took on the nature of slave even unto death, death on a cross though sinless. He demonstrated forgiveness on his deathbed - the cross, as he prayed for those who crucified him .... Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing........He came and gave his life as a ransom for many....... by His death we have all been saved .......whether we accept or believe that Jesus is our Saviour....You and I have been bought at a Price !.
Subsequently, we can dare to pray as Jesus taught us through His life and death.............
Lord make us an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow your love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
Oh Divine Master, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;/
To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying tat we are born to eternal life.
If these become rooted in our lives then we can each become an agent of Peace, ...starting with the self. Each day ask yourself how can I be an agent of peace today in my home, at work, in my Church community, in my neighbourhood?, and look for opportunities to be such an agent. .
We cannot talk about peace in a vacuum and no gun can bring a lasting peace. Peace needs to begin in the heart of each individual, then there will be no strangers but friends not yet enemies but brothers and sisters because Jesus our big Brother, through His death and resurrection has reconciled us with God our Father. In his farewell Discourses, He gave us a.o.: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your let your hearts be troubled or afraid........... (Jh 14: 37)
True peace is not the absence of war but the ability to sleep through the storm.... the ability to remain focused in the midst of chaos......... the ability to hope and trust in the face of despair........ the ability to love the enemy who hates you........Since the Peace of God surpasses every understanding that is why Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is the key to True lasting Peace through each person starting with self, to the world. ....the world in which you and I live. .... Each person therefore, is a gateway to peace........ and since peace is a gift from God, each one of us has the seed of peace ingrained in our hearts,... germinating/growing slowly.... depending on how it is nourished.......... Hate, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness........ can choke it's growth... while love, joy, patience, kindness, ...... can enhance its growth.
Therefore let us allow the True Peace of Christ to flourish ,,,,,, in our hearts....... flowing like a river.... flowing out of you and me..... flowing out into the desert, setting the captives free...... Let it flow through me.... let it flow through you ..... let the peace of God flow out through us.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
Friday, 26 September 2014
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Taking Stock
Seventy years may seem a long way, but compared to eternity it's only a flash in the pan. Ps. 90: 4 "a thousand years in your eyes are merely yesterday"..... so what is 70 or 80 for the strong ones? Yet, it's good to take a peep at how the years have quickly passed and and the 70 milestone is a good occasion. So what do you look back to see?..... Not to the regrets or the disappointments...... for thee mistakes only remain as such, if the inherit lesson(s) is never learned. So I look back to the wonderful things that God by His grace has done ....for His goodness and mercies have no end.....His amazing love is incomprehensible.....God's grace leading me into ministry........ the last decade has been the most fruitful of my spiritual journey...... With gratefulness, I acknowledge the many beautiful God children I have come to mother....... pastoral school formations..........uncountable hours preparing and celebrating liturgies.......and an amazing new faith family that has come my way. These are memories that have enriched not only my life but the life of the community in which I serve. I'm grateful for His abundant love that has brought me so far and will continue to lead me...... for what do I have that I have not received on loan? ... what do I know that I have not been taught and what can I do on my own if not by His grace.....?
I believe the best is yet to come so I will not dwell long in the past. Even though I can't look into the future, I know that His love and mercy towards each one of us, is unchanging so I will continue to trust him in whatever new plans he has, for I know that his plans for me are good. He will not deny me for his own sake. If He has led me so far, will he now abandon me? He has prepared a table for me............... my cup is running over......... and his goodness and mercy shall continue to follow me all the days of my life...
Any word of caution? speaking out loud; I'm learning to live one day at a time..... allowing the Lord to take the lead, for by total surrender he leads in ways never and live the Word..... let the Word of God find room in your heart ...... spend time at his feet........ and discover who you are ... a child of God and He the creator of heaven and earth is your can he give stone when we ask for bread?....No, He will give the necessary grace to lead us into knowing and loving Him and the Lord Jesus whom He sent to save us..... Appreciate and acknowledge His goodness and never cease to count the many blessings poured into your lap......Let the world know of His unconditional love towards the sinner.......for He is nature is love.........
We are all on this journey.. .. pilgrims travelling together,.... needing each other on the way. ... falling and getting up till we reach the final destination. We are all fighting the good fight ..... but remember only those who persevere till the end will receive the crown. Therefore let's not rest on our oars because we don't know the hour or the time....The day may be far spent but there is still work to be done.....continuing to bear fruit even in old age so let's use our God-given talents wisely for His glory.......staying awake in prayer.....In the 'Banana Republic' the old usually go first but in real life..... each one of us is on a countdown. ...
God himself is the Lord of life... the Alpha and the Omega .... and everything in between. Celebrating life is recognizing and appreciating the gift, given on loan......It is sacred and therefore need to be used wisely for we have to give an account very soon ........ even 100 years passes quickly away
Seventy years may seem a long way, but compared to eternity it's only a flash in the pan. Ps. 90: 4 "a thousand years in your eyes are merely yesterday"..... so what is 70 or 80 for the strong ones? Yet, it's good to take a peep at how the years have quickly passed and and the 70 milestone is a good occasion. So what do you look back to see?..... Not to the regrets or the disappointments...... for thee mistakes only remain as such, if the inherit lesson(s) is never learned. So I look back to the wonderful things that God by His grace has done ....for His goodness and mercies have no end.....His amazing love is incomprehensible.....God's grace leading me into ministry........ the last decade has been the most fruitful of my spiritual journey...... With gratefulness, I acknowledge the many beautiful God children I have come to mother....... pastoral school formations..........uncountable hours preparing and celebrating liturgies.......and an amazing new faith family that has come my way. These are memories that have enriched not only my life but the life of the community in which I serve. I'm grateful for His abundant love that has brought me so far and will continue to lead me...... for what do I have that I have not received on loan? ... what do I know that I have not been taught and what can I do on my own if not by His grace.....?
I believe the best is yet to come so I will not dwell long in the past. Even though I can't look into the future, I know that His love and mercy towards each one of us, is unchanging so I will continue to trust him in whatever new plans he has, for I know that his plans for me are good. He will not deny me for his own sake. If He has led me so far, will he now abandon me? He has prepared a table for me............... my cup is running over......... and his goodness and mercy shall continue to follow me all the days of my life...
Any word of caution? speaking out loud; I'm learning to live one day at a time..... allowing the Lord to take the lead, for by total surrender he leads in ways never and live the Word..... let the Word of God find room in your heart ...... spend time at his feet........ and discover who you are ... a child of God and He the creator of heaven and earth is your can he give stone when we ask for bread?....No, He will give the necessary grace to lead us into knowing and loving Him and the Lord Jesus whom He sent to save us..... Appreciate and acknowledge His goodness and never cease to count the many blessings poured into your lap......Let the world know of His unconditional love towards the sinner.......for He is nature is love.........
We are all on this journey.. .. pilgrims travelling together,.... needing each other on the way. ... falling and getting up till we reach the final destination. We are all fighting the good fight ..... but remember only those who persevere till the end will receive the crown. Therefore let's not rest on our oars because we don't know the hour or the time....The day may be far spent but there is still work to be done.....continuing to bear fruit even in old age so let's use our God-given talents wisely for His glory.......staying awake in prayer.....In the 'Banana Republic' the old usually go first but in real life..... each one of us is on a countdown. ...
God himself is the Lord of life... the Alpha and the Omega .... and everything in between. Celebrating life is recognizing and appreciating the gift, given on loan......It is sacred and therefore need to be used wisely for we have to give an account very soon ........ even 100 years passes quickly away
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