Friday, 12 December 2014

Life... a race or a journey?
If life was a race, how many will be winners?  ......if it were a race, majority of us will not have any chance of winning. But if life, on the other hand,  is a journey... then it should be lived and experienced. On this journey there needs  be  no losers since we are all on this purposeful journey towards the same destination. To enjoy this journey fully its good, often, to take time to reflect, ponder or meditate on the purpose of this journey; why are we  here for.... what is the purpose of this journey and what are some of the the lessons of this journey........?
 It will be good to take time and pause and learn from others and nature is a good help........... look at the birds........look at the flowers....... and look at the the sunrise and the sunsets.........listen to the sound of the wind and feel the wind on your face........These are some of the very simple things we encounter every day  that we take for granted
When we begin to live life as a journey, then the goal becomes more important than the means.......concern for the other breaks down barriers........ taking time to appreciate what you have brings gratefulness, contentment, and shairing  with those in need .........value of people above value of things..........Discovering the purpose of life, brings one in touch with the source of life.......the Creator of all things and who holds all things in His hands.......
If your life is a race then you are probably running too fast to achieve./ acquire  whatever .... but at whose expense? ......Remember, what does it matter to gain the whole world and loose your soul?........all the running for this outer shell only?........The body provides shelter for the soul during this life but at the end of this short life, (even if it reaches 100) the soul is released to its Maker and Lord...........for judgement......... and then what?.... The soul is the treasure we hold in this earthen vessel..... and we have only one soul to nurture first and then others along the way. .......Therefore let your soul yearns for it's Maker ......the soul that is made in the image and likeness of God thirsts for its Maker.... "As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you,  O God.
My being thirsts for God, the living God" .......It's only God that can satisfy the yearnings and quench the thirst of  the soul; and fills the heart with praise to be able to join  the Psalmist, to  sing  always:
Bless the Lord, my soul; all my being, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul; do not forget all the gifts of God,..(Psalm 103)
Bless the Lord O my Soul....... my soul Bless the Lord indeed, ..for merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding in kindness....Let's remember the higher  purpose of this journey. by taking care of our fellow travellers along the safely reach our Father's House......... where there are many rooms