Friday, 25 December 2015

The Perfect Gift at Christmas

Today is the beginning of the Christmas season. There is joy in the air and the whole  world is filled with wonder and excitement. The world celebrates the birth of Christ.....God entered the world in the middle of the night as a helpless baby without might and power.....the creator came to  dwell among his own creation...... The invisible became  visible.... the unseen came to be seen, touched and behold.....God became poor for  our sakes and the mighty one came weak.. Emmanuel, God among us came to share in our humanity that those will accept him will share in his divinity and  be given the power to be called  the  children of God

The mystery of Christmas is not power or might. God came as a beggar asking for love, the lover seeks love from his beloved. He is the light in the darkness to enlighten and give sight to the blind....

Through the birth of Jesus, the totality of man and the totality of God has been brought to a new unity...... God who sustains all things is present here and now .......and has given us the very best gift...... himself.... his total self become dependent on humanity ...... Jesus took the risk of being accepted, loved, rejected, ignored, mistreated and eventually killed..... O what selfless love poured and being poured out to heal and reconcile broken humanity.

What then can humanity offer in return for His unconditional, merciful love? Today  many people will give and or receive gifts from each other,.... but what can you and I give to Jesus? it is His birthday.... God is self sufficient and does not need anything to make him whole so what on earth can be pleasing to Him (knowing that even all the silver and gold belong to Him).

A gift of total self....... a humble, broken heart, he will not reject......  Just offer him your heart, broken, contrite, hard as stone, and he will make it pliable and habitable......He is the beggar knocking and waiting to be let in. Today if you will only open your heart inviting Him to come and be Lord of your life, he will come with the Father and the Holy make his abode in your heart  Why the heart? it's the seat of emotions - thoughts, fear, hate, love ........ and by offering one's heart, you offer total self, which is the best birthday present to the Lord this Christmas.

This is a period of grace, let's open our hearts in the celebration of the Incarnation of the Word......the Eternal Word of God who became flesh.........Let this Christmas be a celebration of faith....Allow Christ's love lead you enter the mystery of his merciful love.....By His  grace, we can be able to make/renew the deepest commitment we can ever make........all of self...... to be given to Jesus!
A very Blessed Christmas!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Christmas and why we need it

The season of Advent is a period of joyful waiting  and or expectation preparing to celebrate Christmas. There can be no real Christmas without a meaningful Advent, The first Advent was the period before the coming of the Messiah. Right from the very beginning. the  fall of man, God took the initiative to redeem fallen man. (Gen. 3:15)  Over the centuries God began to select and prepare a people for his own and a plan of his redeeming love. Even though man was not faithful, a remnant kept the faith and  held unto the proclamations of the prophets that God kept sending for his own name's sake. And these kept their hope alive by holding unto God's words.until He who is to come, came at the appointed time in the history of humanity. and they rejoiced in God's fulfilling his promise to redeem the fallen nature of man.

Today Advent reminds us of God's unfailing merciful love and a call to turn and or return to God. It's a period of grace calling for reconciliation, repentance and acknowledging our failings against our loving and merciful  God and Jesus who became man to save us from our sins for where will humanity be if Jesus did not come.

Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother, was God's own choice to be the mother of Jesus, but her 'Fiat", her Ýes' to God's request at the Annunciation (Lk.1:28 ff) made it possible for God's plan to be accomplished The period of Advent also brings Mary into the light of loving appreciation of her role in the birth of Jesus. It's a period to grow in admiration and love for her, learning from her humility and blind faith in God. Our Salvation history will be incomplete without her total giving of herself to accept God's will. For we find the deepest meaning of our lives when we say yes to God's plan. Her Immaculate Heart formed the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so Mary is closely united to Jesus and through Jesus has become our Mother

Just as we need the period of Advent in preparation for Christmas what then is the true spirit of Christmas, and what do we really celebrate at Christmas? Simply, Christmas  is the incarnation of the Word... the Word that was in the beginning was with God and was God, through whom and with whom and by whom and for whom all was created.... ( Jn.1:11-3)  that Word became flesh, God became man....God stoop down to man ........God's merciful love made manifest to man....... Yes this happened over 2000 years ago and that is the reason we need to recall this act of love  again and again so as not to forget or loose sight of what God has done,,,,,,,for you, me, and entire humanity.....The most precious gift at Christmas is the gift of the birth of Jesus ,,,,,, God became man........ wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger.......The story of Christmas is God's love story between God and humanity...... solely initiated by God and man can choose to receive it with grateful hearts or reject it...... We need to celebrate Christmas in a spirit adoration, awe and love by receiving this precious gift of God...... opening our hearts to receive Jesus, who knocks at each door to be let in. ...There was no room in the Inn then, what about today, is there a room for him to be born in your heart?......a  little space for him in your life?......At his birth the Angels sang : "Glory to God in the highest and peace to those on whom his  favour rests"*( Lk 2:14)

Humanity, today needs the Peace of God more than ever...... in our homes, our families....... among people and nations. True peace can only be found  in Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let our yearnings for true peace, hasten his coming as we join the. echo of  the ages who cried:

O Wisdom
Lord and Ruler
Root of Jesse
King of David
Rising Sun
King of the Nations
Come Lord Jesus

A very Blessed Christmas, let's receive  true Peace, love and joy from the giver and initiator ot these in our hearts and share it with others, freely you receive,  freely you give so that others will come to experience the Lord's merciful love.