Sunday 12 April 2015

Love Journal Revisited
The Lenten per iod of 40 days leading to Easter period of 50 days  is an amazing period of becoming more aware of our need of our need of God  and to experience anew his unconditional love.  During the Lenten period I identified myself with the return of the prodigal son.... I realised how far I am from home and recognizing my loneliness away from home made me felt homesick....... the desire to return to a loving embrace increased........ but I found myself too tired to undertake this long  journey all by  myself as I'm too weak to make it on my own......So  I cried out : I'm coming home Lord,  but I can't make the journey on my own so please meet me half way.... come to my aid..... come and be my strength....... come and walk with me...... I yearn to return but realised my own incapability....................
Then I realized that is what Lent is about.......Jesus coming to our aid  to  reconcile us  to the Father...... through the Cross.........Just as Moses lifted up the brazen serpent ... so will the Son of Man be lifted up so that all who will believe will have eternal life..................