Monday, 18 June 2012

Overwhelm by God's Love
As if the veil is drawn aside, all of a sudden touched by grace, the torrents of the Father's love pours over you. It cannot be explained but you feel overwhelmed by His merciful love and you begin to ask why Lord, why so much love? why so much waste?
Why will He allow us to see things that are not visible to the naked eye? to hear things that the ear has not heard? to proclaim what the mouth cannot speak? to be carried on wings of love to lofty heights to behold His glory and to places beyond our realm?
Oh how great is the merciful love of God? it's an ocean of great depth, that cannot be understood but only to be experienced in the degree He chooses. Don't try to wonder why? it's an incomprehensible mystery, unfathomed by any intellect, human or angelic.
Just take a moment and allow this torrent of love sweep you off your feet and get drowned by its high waves. His opened-side reveals His most Blessed Sacred Heart that is the gate to the fountain of  His Love. This Heart  pierced open on the cross, to reveal the Father's Love is the flame that touches all souls. Even though we are not worthy of the sacrifice He made by His death on the cross, yet we know or learning to know that His love for us is far greater than the feeble love we hold or will ever hold for Him. Therefore, o soul, be at rest and allow Him to quench your thirst in His unending love.

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