Monday, 25 March 2013

If today is all you have, there is one thing you cannot postpone.
Do we live as we should if today is all that we have?  we may have been able to get away by postponing  many decisions for 'tomorrow' for some years but we can't continue to do this in our walk with God because we do not know the the hourof His coming to take us to be with Him................
In the Banana Republic, the older one goes first but in reality each one of us  from the time of birth are on the count-down. And if this short life (even one hundred +) compared to eternity, is for preparation to return to our Maker then we cannot affort to spend it on trivials. Thus our relationship with God cannot be postponed any further; we need to get reconciled with him and each other as God lives in each person.
In the story of the Prodigal Son, when he realised how far he had wandered away from his loving father he took a decision to go back 'home' and followed it . And the father, seeing him a long way off ran to meet him.........and called for a celebration!. For this son was lost/dead but found/alive....................
God, our 'Prodigal' Father. as he loves us beyond compare, is waiting for the return of each of his prodigal sons/daughters.. rejoice over us, embrace us and restore us to our rightful  relationship as sons/daughters.
This week is a special period of grace as God's  unconditional, overflowing love for us, is revealed in the sufferings and death  ........of Jesus for our redemption and restoration.
Behold, I stand at the door and knocked, if you will open to me, I shall come in and dine with you.....
If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts................
Today you shall be with me in paradise.................
Today I will dine with you...........
God is compassionate but he is also just..........get reconciled today, listen to his call: Come back to me  with all your heart, long have i waited for your coming home....... Jesus is the 'easy-jet' to the  Father through His suffering and death on the Cross, because of His great love for you and me.......give it some thought and take a decision today before it's late, if not too late. .......
                    You have been bought at a price - by the Precious Blood of Jesus.

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