Monday, 7 August 2023

In Search

How we search and what we search for...........
For 3 days I misplaced my reading glasses........ I searched, and searched without any result. My search led me to pray, ......forced me to tidy up things until I almost accepted that I must have left it somewhere as I could not find it anywhere in my house.Then I found it when I was not really searching for it. But instead of being delighted that I found it, though relieved of the anxiety of getting a new one, I was not overjoyed and found my reaction very strange. Suddenly  a surprising thought  came to me. This thought  kept ringing in my mind and set  me thinking,  .......
It would be good If you could search for God with the same energy you spent searching for your glasses ... .....As I dwelt on this strange thought that kept cropping up in my head,   I began to see the logic and immediately many Scriptural verses were coming to my mind:........If you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me........In our search for God, we don't find Him by our own efforts. It's God who takes the initiative to let us find Him.... It's God who allows us to find Him... even the desire to seek Him is from Him...... Seek ye first the kingdom of God andn its righteousness and every thing else will be added...... King Solomon was a good example for he asked for wisdom and understanding heart and  was given riches as well......Asking for understanding heart to know and do whar is right, to understand and not to be understood,  asking for the grace to console and not to be consoled;  seeking to love and not to be loved.... to give and not count the cost for in giving we receive .... to die to self.... for unless the grain of wheat dies it remains a single grain..... for in dying we are born into eternal life..........can you imagine how the world would change if each person begins to yearn for the higher gifts?........O God you are my God, for you I long,... for you my body yearns....... for you my soul thirsts......Like a  land patched, lifeless and without water...... So I looked to you in the see your power and your glory........(Ps. 63: 1-3)  ....... As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God, ..... My being thirsts for God, the living God..... When can I go to see the face of God?..... Ps. 42: 1-2)     Yearning for God, seeking Him and wanting to do His will..... to return if wandered away......... and surely like the loving Father in the parable of the Prodigal Son, so is God waiting for the lost to come back...... to be reconciled through the Saving Blood of Our Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd laid down His life wholeheartedly for the sinners.......
Now I treasure my glasses as this episode of searching for it has led me see things in a newer way....... Like St. Augustive our hearts remain restless until they come to rest in God...... so let's use the intensity we use in searching for perishable things to search for the imperishable........!


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