'Our Father' - Meditation
Our Father in Heaven - When Jesus taught us to call or address God as Our Father, He took the risk of sharing God with us, making us children of God, brothers and sisters. This mighty creator of heaven and earth is loving and merciful and tt is His desire that we know Him and love Him in return......
Hallowed be Your Name: Holy God, there is no God like Him, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory, Hosanna in the highest is the everlasting hymn of the Angels, the elders and martyrs bow down in adoration and worship before the Throne...... how do I/you pronounce God's Holy Name.. carelessly or lovingly with respect?
Your Kingdom Come - How did Jesus described the Kingdom of God? the blind see, the lame walk, the prisoners are set free, the dead are raised to life, the Word is proclaimed to all, justice, peace, love and joy and who are those called blessed in the Kingdom? the poor in spirit,,,, the meek...., the peace makers........ where are you in the Kingdom? .....Jesus is coming back to establish His new Kingdom.... are you ready in expectation of His imminent return, whenever and wherever?
Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven - God's Holy Will to be done on earth (in me/you) as He has desired it in heaven.....some perfect examples are: Mary at the Annunciation responded ' be it done unto me according to your word'..., Jesus submitted to in the garden of Gethsemane... 'Father take away this cup away from me, not my will but your will be done' .....What is God's will for me? to know, believe, seek, follow and love him as He loves me....
Give us today our daily bread - Bread of angels.....daily bread, .... daily manna, bread that satisfies, not perishable, bread that stills hunger and quench the thirst. Jesus the Word - the daily bread, the daily Holy Eucharist... consider this, the lilies don't spin, the birds don't gather... but God feeds them, how much more you or I? what father will give a stone to his child who asks for bread? if you/I who is evil know how to give good things to our children, what about God, our heavenly Father who gives the best - the Holy spirit to those who ask Him? For every who asks - receives, who seeks - finds and who knocks have the door opened. Oh Daddy, give us today, each day the portion of bread to nourish our bodies, minds and souls. ......
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us -
Forgiveness is a divine request, because in as much as I experience God's unconditional forgiveness, I'm obliged to forgive the other. The good Lord took upon Himself my sins and purchased me/you through His Precious Blood shed on the Cross. 'Yes, if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either' Mat. 6: 14-15)
Lead us not into temptation
Temptations are bound to come our way one way or the other and we need to be alert and not succumb to them, by constantly relying on the Lord and not on our own strength. Acknowledging our weakness and trusting God in everything is the way out.
But deliver us from all Evil, Amen!. The Lord himself was able to overcome the evil one - satan - through prayer, fasting, and the Word of God so should we learn to do same. We need to entrust /surrender all to the Lord, every aspect of our lives so that He will be the Ruler and Lord of our lives.
The Lord Jesus, in response to his disciples' request to teach them how to pray, taught them to pray in this manner. As we spend time in meditation on this beautiful Prayer given us by the Lord, the Holy Spirit will teach and lead us to enter more into the spirit of it. It is a common Prayer that is prayed often in haste. We need to pray with the heart, pondering on each word/phrase allowing them to penetrate into the depth of our being to take root in our lives.
Lord teach us how to pray today, more than ever !
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