Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Where Else....?
Where else can we find rest? to whom can we go? ...where else, where else can the searching soul find peace ?...where else can one sit in the company of Angels? except to sit at His feet, except at the feet of the Master.....to listen to His promptings, to gaze into His beautiful eyes and to cling to His feet, bathe it with tears of pain/joy and dry them with the hair ....  At His feet, we learn to discover how much He loves, how He yearns for you to come and rest in Him.....He desires a visit....He longs to see you come, to be with Him.....  He who is love, thirsts to give love.... thirsts to be loved. He is the beggar asking for love from His creatures.....At His feet.... time stands still.....no words need to be spoken....only a loving glance, heart speaks to heart....the 'Lover' and the beloved become one, ...the creature at the feet of the Creator. .. the sinner receives acceptance, love and forgiveness.....a coming back home.  ... Where your treasure is, there your heart is........so at the end of the visit you can unite your heart to His to continue the perpetual adoration.  At His feet is the best choice which cannot be taken away from you......all anxiety is lost in His embrace....
Behold He invites.... "Come to me all who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest,,,,,, Come to the waters, come and drink all you who are thirsty....... Come all you who are hungry, come and eat even if you have no money.... come ... why spend your wages on bread that does not satisfy..... come and learn from me for I am gentle and meek of heart... come.....come... come, just as you are.....
He waits, He waits  out of love as a prisoner of love in the Tabernacle ....here He waits for your visit, here you can find Him....... here all fears are calmed......  Blessed be Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!....where else?.....

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