Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Why and how have we come to loose the art of waiting? how many times do you check your watch if the Bus is late for a minute? how do you rage when the traffic light seemed to be 'red' forever? why are we in hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry through life that will end very soon and then you will want to turn back the clock even for a minute if that could be possible?
Let's look at nature: the seed is sown and the sower goes about his business. The seed takes time to sprout, grow and bear fruits.....the expectant mother waits 9  months to deliver her baby... the elephant 36 months to deliver its infant.... the hen has to sit on its eggs for 21 days....and the list goes on and on. So why have we suddenly become impatient? the 'Boss' cannot wait for the computer to start and the poor secretary becomes the victim..........
Let's begin to take time and enjoy the moments not necessarily in doing anything great or small but in doing nothing... just being
Even though we sing "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount wings like eagles;they shall run and not be wearied they shall walk and not faint; teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wait.......(Is 40:31. ) yet the Father waits unconditionally for us to return 'home'. He ceaselessly looks out for the return for the prodigal child to come back home......and runs to embrace and call for a celebration ......
Jesus also waits in the Tabernacle for you to come and visit, He yearns that you come and sit at his feet while the angels adore Him, He longs to listen to your sighs, share in your burdens, reassure you of His care and love; He invites you to come and be with Him, He waits in the Tabernacle, day and night,as a prisoner of love only for you. He invites you to come and find rest in Him fo He is meek and humble of heart. Remember, humility is not a sign of weakness.


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