Buried Talents: The mole once had eyes to see, but it grovelled down in the depths of the earth, and mother Nature, as if seated in judgment, said, 'Take the talent away!' and the talent that is not used was taken away. Is this not sad? ..... Think about it, recall Jesus' parable of the talents (Mt.25:14-30). The 3 servants were given varied talents by their master. "To one he gave five talents, to another he gave, two talents; to third he gave one - to each according to his ability".... How best are we using the talent(s) that have been entrusted to us? are we putting them to good use or have we burried them? If we take time to count, we will be surprised what the Lord has done. Don't take them for granted, each has been given to you for a purpose and only you will give an account. Those who receive more will have to account for more, so work with the 'one' you have as you have to account only for one.
It's not how many talents you have been given, but how best you try to use them not for self glory but for the benefit of others and to the glory of Lord.
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