Monday, 13 February 2012

We can hate truth and fear goodness:
Love declines when evil is at work in us and we hesitate to change. We can hate truth because it means a change. For that reason we often resent the truth that is told about ourselves. We tend to rationalize what we have done. We will stay away from a doctor, lest he find cancer. We don't want to know the truth. We like to hear about social action and political-moral problems, but we're not too keen on hearing the truth about ourselves because truth hurts.
We fear goodness because we like to keep our own standards. We have moved away from the standard of Christ to the standard of the world. We don't ask ourselves, "Does this please Christ?" but rather "Does this please the world?" So I will dress and act in such a way that I will not be separated from the world; I want to be with it. We 'marry' this age and become a 'widow' in the next one. We take on its verbiage and its fashions. Are we surprised that there is so much instability in the Church today?; the sand on which we are walking is shifting. We have sadly given up the 'rock', which is Christ.