Saturday, 4 February 2012

"Give me therefore an understanding mind in governing your people that I may discern between good and evil"  was King Solomon's humble response to God
An understanding mind so as to discern between good and evil.. God was very pleased with King Solomon's request that he was granted more than he even dared to ask. "Because you have requested this rather long life, or wealth or even vengeance.........I shall grant your request......... I will also give you what you have not asked for, both wealth and fame......"(1 Kings 3:4-13)

How will the world be if everyone in authority before taking office will pray for understanding mind, to govern their nationals to discern between good and evil?; what about if each person in whatever you do will seek to discern between good and evil?. The world today needs more than ever leaders with understaning mind to discern between good and evil. Every authority is given from above and to be able to perform according to the will of the Giver, we need to seek wisdom to make right decisions and the ability to discern justice.
Like Solomon our prayer should be generous and unselfish. We need to ask for the Holy Spirit to live as Christians in the face of today's challenges, boldness to witness to God's unfailing love and mercy towards us, and to recognise that everything we have is a gift to be accounted for. If all we have is a gift, then we cannot boast of them but acknowledge the giver of the gift, keeping in mind that we are only channels for the gift to flow to others. We are at the threshold of a new evangelisation and we do need an understanding mind to discern good from evil. Let's not be afraid to ask for wisdom.

"God, grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference"

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