Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Counting the Snowdrops:
The Northern hemisphere is at the moment enjoying what is called a 'Crocus Holiday'. The schools are closed and many families take their winter holidays going sking. But many others begin to pick up going walking as the temperatures begin to rise. This is a beautiful time to walk in the woods to see the snowdrops bursting forth from under the layers of leaves which a while ago was covered with snow. It's fun to see both adults and children counting the snowdrops. My own mind went back when I used to enjoy this snowdrop counts.
Recollecting these thoughts lead me to see this activity diferently. During winter when the ground is covered with snow, and every thing seems frozen, the naked eye cannot see the life growing underneath. We may recall the story of Jesus about the man who scatters seed upon the earth and forgot about them. He went about doing other things. The seed sprouts and grows, he knows not how. The soil produces of itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain.... (Mk. 4:26..ff) This man has no control over the growth of the seed he has scattered. The elements needed for growth are beyond his power. God is the source of life and he nurtures growth.
The seed growing by itself is the mystery of grace at work in our hearts even if we are not aware of it. It is the presence of grace in the Church  even if not seen with the naked eye. Grace is at work in each one of us and this gives hope to persevere in prayer that God's grace will flower in us and in the lives of our loved ones. At Baptism the Trinitarian love of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. Even if we wander away, His love is with us, prompting  and reminding us of His love and mercy. It's not His will that we should die without acknowledging Him as that will not benefit Him. Jesus came and died on our behalf to reconcile us to the Father so that we can be with Him after this short span of  our earthly life compared to eternity.
As you count or admire the snowdrops and soon the crocusses, on the carpet- landscape around you, remember the same power that produced this is also working in you,  bursting and/or waiting to burst forth even though you may not know or have forgotten this.

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